
Ms. Kanika Kumar
Co-ordinator, Kindergarten

We pray thee teach us day by day, To do thy will in everyday,
We know thy will is always good
So it is, guide us as it should, At home, at school, at work, at play,
In all we think, or do or say,
Dear Father, let thy will be done. And so bring good to everyone.
“This is the Lord’s doing. It is wonderful in our sight” It is not growing like a tree.
In bulk, cloth make man better be,
Or standing long, an oak, three hundred years
To fall a log last, dry, bald and sere.
A lily of a day
Is fairer far in May
Although it falls and die that night
It has a plant and flower of light
In small proportions we just beauties see
And in short measures life may perfect be.

This is exactly what we strive to do at Queen Mary’s School Northend. We try our level best to make our little ones ‘Perfect’ in small proportions. Our aim is to ignite the sprit of the children, liberate their creativity and let the pattern emerge in each child according to their capacity. Our emphasis is not only on academic excellence but on various activities which develop their personality, and train each child to become a just and perfect citizen of the country.

We nurture the girl child from a hand holding child to a self confident and responsible girl ready to take on the world with all its complexities. The greatest gift our school gives to the children are values which they can imbibe and carry with them through the journey of life.

‘Striving towards excellence’ in all spheres is our motto and all round development our aim. The purpose of education in this prestigious institution is to inculcate the spirit of discipline, self confidence, hard work and determination with dynamism, compassion and scientific temper in a child.

“With confidence in God put on the spurs and let the mild horse of life fly with you over stones and hedges, prepared to break your neck but always without fear.”

- Bismark